The Flexible and Sustainable Furnishing Solution for Your Projects

Offer your tenants a customizable and eco-friendly living space
Why Choose Kit-Kot for Your Collective Housing Projects?
Large-scale Customization
Empower your tenants to personalize their living spaces and feel at home.

Reduced Costs
Optimize construction and maintenance costs with our easy-to-install repair products.
Sustainability and Eco-Friendly
Meet the growing demand for environmentally friendly solutions by offering sustainable options.
Increased Property Value
Increased rental interest and property value by fitting your property with Kit-Kot.
Unmatched Flexibility
Adapt spaces to the evolving needs of your tenants with our modular system.

Benefits for Your Tenants:
An Evolving Space
Adapt your interior to your needs and desires.
A Personalized Interior
Create a space that reflects your personality.
Superior Comfort
Benefit from quality materials and ergonomic design
A Responsible Choice
Opt for an environmentally friendly furnishing solution made in Belgium.
Benefits for Developers and General Contractors:
Reduced Construction Time
A modular system that is easy to install.
Flexible Layout
Adapt spaces to different types of housing (studios, apartments, etc.)
Reduced Maintenance Costs
Durable and resistant materials.
A Differentiating Selling Point
Attract new clients by offering innovative and eco-friendly housing.

What makes Kit-Kot a unique and responsible choice for interior solutions?
Local and Sustainable Manufacturing:
Our products are thoughtfully designed and crafted in Belgium using durable materials.
By prioritizing local production, we support the circular economy and significantly reduce our ecological footprint.
Repairability and Longevity:
Our products are built to last and are designed for easy repair, minimizing waste and reducing long-terms costs.
Kit-Kot provides a practical, aesthetically pleasing, and environmentally conscious interior solution that adapts seamlessly to individual needs.

is possible:
Change colour
Change function
Change size
Our previous
Cross Project Mons, Belgium
Modern student accommodation furnished with Kit-Kot.
6 possible layouts with the same components.

Le concept Kit-Kot est super. Moi je suis quelqu’un qui aime le changement. Du coup, je sens que je vais changer toutes les semaines. Ca va être compliqué de rester sur une disposition fixe. Le tutoriel lié au QRcode est super intuitif et le système d’accroche est simple.
Mons University
Pour ce qui est du concept, l’avis général est positif, tout le monde aime aménager comme bon lui semble et la possibilité de changer quand on le désire nous donne l’impression de pouvoir déménager tous les jours sans pouvoir se lasser.
Mons University
Le concept Kit-Kot se distingue par sa modularité et sa personnalisation, il permet de configurer facilement l’espace grâce à des éléments comme des panneaux lavables et des cubes de rangement empilables. Son approche éco-responsable et pratique, avec des matériaux interchangeables lui confère une véritable innovation dans le conception de mobilier adaptable, durable et facile à assembler.
Jennifer L.
Head of department – Accommodation
Mons University
Want to
learn more?
ID4CARE srl – Rue de l’industrie, 20
1400 Nivelles, Belgium